Martina Hingis-Anna Kournikova 2002 Australian Open Interview ( Sports - Women's Tennis )  

Martina Hingis and Anna Kournikova's 2002 Australian Open
Doubles Championship post-match press conference interview.

See an excerpt of the Hingis-Kournikova Doubles Final post match interview on Real Video

Anna and Martina defeated Aranxta Sanchez-Vicario and Daniela Hantuchova
6-2, 6-7, 6-1, on 1/25/2002:
Q. Ladies, first of all, congratulations.

Martina Hingis: Thank you.

Q. Second, in the second set you guys were up 5-4; you had a chance to put it away. Unfortunately, you ended up losing a tough tiebreaker. When you came out in the third set you looked very confident. You guys looked very focused and you were going to come back in the third set and wrap it up.

Martina Hingis: What was the question?

Anna Kournikova: What is the question, exactly?

Q. That you guys came out really pumped; and did you ever doubt after you lost the second set that you could have come back in the third and take it?

Martina Hingis: I think, in general, we - I mean, we looked like we were the better team all the time; it's just that unfortunately - - -

Anna Kournikova: We did get broken in the first game.

Martina Hingis: And throughout the whole match we were always up, and up and winning, and we just couldn't close it out. But, you know, we had three breaks and we didn't make anything of it so - especially me, closing it out. I think it was a tough task. But I think even in the third set we still believe like, you know, once we get on a roll again, and especially breaking it back to make it even again, that was a key, after that it was just going all the way.

Anna Kournikova: And Arantxa, she is the kind of player, she's obviously very experienced so, you know, in the second set she just, I guess, tried to hang in there and made us play, and it worked.

Q. Martina, does this help your confidence for tomorrow's Final?

Martina Hingis: For sure. I mean, I wouldn't want to, you know, go out there with losing today's match, especially, you know, like what happened, like losing the second set. Like, no way. And also getting through the match yesterday, Singles and Doubles. I think I'll see only yellow after this tournament - so many matches, so much play. But I think I'm - you know, tomorrow, I always want.

Anna Kournikova: It was great.

Martina Hingis: I always won up there. I had won the Doubles, first, so it's a positive energy.

Q. It was so hot out there today. Is it a nice advantage, in some ways, to play in those conditions before tomorrow?

Martina Hingis: Well, you normally wouldn't want to waste any energy, nothing extra. But it's always nice, you know. It's another Grand Slam Doubles title, with Anna. We've only played three, and win two out of them; plus the Championships at the end of the year. But yeah, it's just kind of weird that we - you know, either she was hurt, or I didn't play, or something happened. So hopefully, this year, everything works out and we just continue the way we did.

Q. You won here in 1999. That's a good omen because you went on to win the Final that year as well?

Martina Hingis: Yeah. It gives me confidence, extra.

Q. Will you stay play together, the whole year?

Martina Hingis: Definitely, we try. You know, if we both stay healthy.

Q. Anna, you know Martina very well. How good is the chance for Martina in the Singles Final tomorrow?

Anna Kournikova: Great chance, as always. You know, like, I think she has a perfect record here- you know, the three years that she won Doubles and she went on to win the Singles, and I think she's got a great chance obviously. What else can I say?

Q. That's okay.

Anna Kournikova: Hopefully.

Q. Anna can you expand a little more on Martina's game? Is there things you picked up - - -

Martina Hingis: We are here for the Doubles; not for the Singles. I mean, just don't talk about that. I mean, Anna is here; we are team, so she doesn't have to answer these questions, I think.

Q. I'm just wondering if she picks up on anything, playing with you, that she might not - just more appreciation playing with her than - - -

Anna Kournikova: Obviously, Martina is one of the greatest players ever, you know. She has been No. 1, and the way, her game; and just, even now, the ranking. I that think she's, you know, a top player. And obviously I do learn a lot from her and just, she's a great champion and it's just really great and nice that we get along so well and that we make such a good team, you know, and that's it. I just have lots of respect for her?

Q. Anna, this whole tournament you had problems with the foot, and everything like that; are you pretty sure it's okay now? Will you play normal schedule from now on?

Anna Kournikova: Hopefully. You never know. It can always come back, and everything. Right now I feel pretty good. Hopefully, it will stay that way, you know, and just have to continue doing the things that I've been doing to keep it healthy, and that's it?

Q. Question for either: who would you rate Daniela's game and her prospects? She had some pretty big shots today?

Martina Hingis: Well, definitely, I mean, she showed some touch out there; sometimes was drop shots out of big shots. But I mean, still, she needs a little experience, and she is definitely a prodigy. I mean, she has a great future ahead of her, if she takes advantage of it. But, I mean, sometimes it's just difficult to judge. She's at the beginning. I mean, you, you still have to work it out. You know, she definitely has the game now. It's what she makes of it.

Anna Kournikova: Yeah. I think she was a little bits more of a Singles player, though, on the court today. She wasn't, you know - - -

Martina Hingis: We played her for the first time.

Anna Kournikova: Yeah, she wasn't as good as Arantxa, in the Doubles way.

Q. What should she have been doing, do you think?

Anna Kournikova: Well, I mean - - -

Martina Hingis: I mean, it's a secret. We use that again

Anna Kournikova: That's just the experience of playing lots of Doubles, you know. I mean, me and Martina have been playing Doubles ever since we were Juniors; so that's just something you kind of get the feel for if you play a lot, you know.

Martina Hingis: She has the shots. It's just, sometimes it's the positioning and the Doubles thinking. That's what she still has to learn. But if they play together they are definitely a dangerous team, and she can pick up a lot of things from Arantxa.

Q. Martina, Lindsay is not here because of this operation and stuff. Do you or any of the other players - have you talked to her, or do you feel badly that she's off the Tour now for maybe four or five months or something?

Martina Hingis: Well, I heard what has been happening; but I've never really been in touch with Lindsay. Besides, the tournament is so - - -

Anna Kournikova: And it's a Grand Slam.

Martina Hingis: So, you know, I'm trying to focus on myself. I mean, when I was injured, I mean, it was only a few players who called me as well at that time, and I really appreciate that and, you know, you always remember. So you just got to sometimes - you know, tennis is, you know, a single sort of game; so I think you've just got to find those people who you love to be with, and I think it's - I know what she has to go through at this point, so I'm sure it's very difficult. But she, if she really wants it she knows how to fight her way back.

Q. Martina, if you hadn't play Doubles you may have hit for an hour or so today I assume. Physically, how does it compare to play three sets of Doubles versus an hour hitting session?

Martina Hingis: Well, Doubles doesn't take as much out of you as a Singles much. You don't run around as much. But you still try to focus and make it happen. I mean, you still want to win when you go out there, so there's still the competitive sense of winning. But, you know, I always believed that we can do it, sort of - -

Anna Kournikova: Yeah.

Martina Hingis: And I think - - -

Anna Kournikova: I think it's better than practising.

Martina Hingis: So I love going out there, and with winning yesterday, and I knew I only had one match today so I try to give it everything today, and tomorrow is another day.

Looking back: CBS Sportsline story of Martina and Anna's 1999 Australian Open Championship

Martina Hingis pages at Anna Kournikova pages at
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